Katherine Irvin

Advertising and Graphic Design Student

This is where I will put my profile copy. I can add more paragraphs or links as needed. Here is some dummy text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent bibendum, diam ut gravida efficitur, risus neque scelerisque erat, ut rhoncus erat odio ac justo. Nunc scelerisque vestibulum augue, sit amet hendrerit ante.

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Featured Projects

View selected projects below. More information can be found at or insert my own webpage. christinatruong.com.

panda on a limb

Project One

Summary or description of the project and/or your role in it. Add as many paragraphs as you need. This is a really adorable panda that was a thumbnail image provided by this linkedin learning corse. I am adding more text here to see if my webpage is working with the float the image thing. Update I wrote project-items not project-item. It works now.

View project / case study
palm tree blue sky

Project Two

Summary or description of the project and/or your role in it. Add as many paragraphs as you need.

View project / case study

Work Experience

Optional paragraph for work experience summary. Not a part of the job details. Delete if not being used.

Job title

Company Name

Date at job

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  • Delete this list if you don't need it.
  • Created...
  • Lead...
  • Responsible for...

Job title

Company Name

Date at job

Job summary goes here. Add as many paragraphs as you need.

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  • Delete this list if you don't need it.
  • Created...
  • Lead...
  • Responsible for...


Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC

Current student in the Advertising and Graphic Design Program

Summary or accomplishments.

Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, NC

Graduated December 2018 with a BA in Religious Studies

Recieved the Jack Partain Missiology Award